Sunday 15 March 2009

Ice Festival 2009

I've been away from the blogger world for a long time, no reading, no writing, no commenting, but hopefully I'll be coming back in the next few days, I know a lot of you miss me :)

Too many things have happened in the last few weeks, but I should tell you from now that what kept me away from my blog was my job reviews. I know, is not the biggest thing, but I never said it was something too important or huge; the truth is that the reviews had me completely away, I could only think of them, I knew it was going to be good, but my salary raise would be discussed there too, that was what had me worried. The result? I can't tell you yet ^^ Although I had my review, I don't know how many people at my work read my blog ;)

One of the best things we've done this weeks, was on February 21st, since Igor and I were celebrating 7 years together :) (as boyfriends + married) and went to the Ice Festival 2009 :D

You could see a lot of people working on their sculptures from the very beginning, as an giant ice cube, or you could see them with a shape already.

And if you stayed long enough, you could see the result :)

Beside the contestants, there were some pretty amazing ice sculptures that were already done and have no idea who did them!! ^^

And although the cold was a little harsh, it was pretty much a very beautiful experience ;)


Anonymous said...

Looks like Winterlude in Ottawa! Love these winter activities...

Unknown said...

So how did you do on your review?

Aiglee said...

I have to go to Ottawa!!! Well, I still have time :)

Payeyo... it was ok, but the salary was terrible :(