Quick post to let you know that I'm alive and ok and I'm not leaving my blog, but I'm living through a few things in my life that don't leave me time or energies to post, so thank you for being so patient, I promise to be back!
Hola soy Juan Carlos caraqueño. Me gusta mucho ver tu pag. nos da mucho animo a nosotros los autoexiliados y recordamos muchas anecdotas de la travesia. Vivo con mi familia aqui en Salt Lake City, Utah en USA desde hace 6 años y mi tercer hijo, una niña nacio aqui en el 2004. Que le recomiendas a una familia, ahora sin status migratorio legal, sobre la posibilidad de vivir y trabajar legalmente en Canada? . Si me puedes responder, contactame a traves de mi e-mail: juan_altuna@hotmail.com o me encontraras como juan_el_venezolano en el loonlounge.com , alli entre los venezolanos. Gracias y que esten bien y te felicito por ese apoyo que le das a las personas inmigrantes o que piensan emigrar.
OK Aiglee, I just let you know that I am reading andfollowing your blog, take care my fiend and I'll find you when you are able to write again.. OK? Its winter here in Holland so I have more time. Bye see you:)
Aiglee, I saw you briefly last night at the Venezuela-Italy game (March 10th). You were sitting maybe 3 rows up from my right. I saw you on the last inning, and said to myself that I will introduce myself after the game ended, but boy, you guys were in a hurry. I was talking with my daughter and when I turned around with her to walk towards you, you guys were gone :-(
Venezuelan-Canadian, DB architect, wife, mom of a 3 year old. I have a Masters degree in Education and I love finding the perfect activity for my kid, fun, economic and educational.
Hola soy Juan Carlos caraqueño. Me gusta mucho ver tu pag. nos da mucho animo a nosotros los autoexiliados y recordamos muchas anecdotas de la travesia. Vivo con mi familia aqui en Salt Lake City, Utah en USA desde hace 6 años y mi tercer hijo, una niña nacio aqui en el 2004. Que le recomiendas a una familia, ahora sin status migratorio legal, sobre la posibilidad de vivir y trabajar legalmente en Canada? . Si me puedes responder, contactame a traves de mi e-mail: juan_altuna@hotmail.com o me encontraras como juan_el_venezolano en el loonlounge.com , alli entre los venezolanos. Gracias y que esten bien y te felicito por ese apoyo que le das a las personas inmigrantes o que piensan emigrar.
OK Aiglee, I just let you know that I am reading andfollowing your blog, take care my fiend and I'll find you when you are able to write again.. OK? Its winter here in Holland so I have more time. Bye see you:)
JoAnn's D Eyes Holland
Juan, te mande un correo!
Thanks JoAnn!! Yes, winter... I need a little bit more of warm over here already!! xD
I saw you briefly last night at the Venezuela-Italy game (March 10th).
You were sitting maybe 3 rows up from my right.
I saw you on the last inning, and said to myself that I will introduce myself after the game ended, but boy, you guys were in a hurry.
I was talking with my daughter and when I turned around with her to walk towards you, you guys were gone :-(
Anyway, it was a good game.
Take care
hahaha, yeah, we were always running to get home, that Toronto - Mississauga trip at night plus waking up early took a toll on us ^^
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