Monday, 24 September 2007

Paperwork for the Immigration process

We started the Skilled Worker (Federal) process just a few months before the simplified process, so we had to give to the embassy all the paperwork since the beginning.

You have to have notarized copies of :
  • Your birth certificates (Doesn't have to be recent, but you need to have the originals so you can notarize it).
  • Marriage certificate (Same as the birth certificate).
  • Your school scores and Diploma.
  • Your University scores and Degree.
  • Work letters (You need as much information as you can get written, but it is not absolutely necessary to have every little thing the embassy asks to have in these).
  • Language Proficiency (You need to take the IELTS and have the highest score you can get, and if you are claiming high proficiency, you need to get at least 7 in all sections).
  • Letter of good behavior (You can get this one taking to the prefecture a letter from your condominium association stating how many years you've been living there and that you have been a good neighbour - You need to give the original to the embassy, so don't notarize this one).
  • Military inscription carnet (This one is important but not absolutely necessary and you can give them the inscription paper instead of the carnet - Don't notarize this one since you need to give the original to the embassy).
  • Proof of funds ($10.000 for a couple).
  • Seven pictures each (Be careful where you get the pictures taken since they have to be perfect!)
Don't translate anything here, since the embassy doesn't ask for anything in english and in Canada you are going to have to translate them with a Canadian certified translator.

By the way, you don't need to take the University Degree or the High School Diploma to have an apostillate before giving these papers to the Embassy but you need it to take them to Canada when you leave.

I hope I'm not forgetting anything here, but feel free to ask :)


Venta de Garage said...

Hola Aiglee!

Posiblemente el mes que viene entregue mi solicitud para la visa de residente permanente y buscando informacion consegui tu blog. Tu info ha sido super util pero tengo una duda. Para la solicitud hay que entregar algun requisito o solo cuando lo pida la embajada? en la pagina dice que solo la application form y fees pero por telefono dice que tienes que entregar estados de cuenta. Se necesita algo mas? gracias!!

Aiglee said...

Hola Maria, que bueno que ya vayas a comenzar el proceso. Yo lo hice por el proceso no simplificado, para lo cual tuve que entregarlo todo junto a la planilla, pero en tu caso es el proceso simplificado, el cual hasta donde tengo entendido seria solo la planilla y el dinero.

De todas maneras te recomiendo preguntar en el foro de mequieroir donde hay mas gente en el proceso simplificado y/o preguntar en mi blog en español en el post mas reciente que hay gente que lee los comentarios y te puede ayudar.

Pero hasta donde se, solo la application form y fees.